World’s Largest Atom Smasher Expected to Operate by 2040, Say Scientists- Collider


Scientists at the world’s largest atom smasher are optimistic about the progress of a multibillion-euro project to construct a larger and more powerful particle collider. 

This new collider has the potential to reveal further secrets of the universe.

The leaders of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, have announced that the planning for the Future Circular Collider is progressing as scheduled. 

The estimated cost of the project is 15 billion Swiss francs, with hopes of it becoming operational by 2040.

However, the situation remains uncertain, except for the fact that CERN, the institution housing the Large Hadron Collider, continues to attract significant funding from European and Western countries. 

Future Circular Collider: Potential Facility Under Study

Scientists at the world’s largest atom smasher are optimistic about the progress of a multibillion-euro project to construct a larger and more powerful particle collider.

The project gained significant recognition for its role in confirming the existence of the subatomic Higgs boson in 2012, which had been a long-standing pursuit in the field of physics.

“The Future Circular Collider is a potential facility.” I’m using the term ‘possible’ because we are currently in the stage of conducting a feasibility study. “It’s not yet an approved project,” stated Fabiola Gianotti, the director-general of CERN. 

According to her, the review committees have not encountered any significant obstacles for the project thus far.

She enthusiastically praised the proposed collider as a valuable tool for advancing our knowledge of fundamental physics and driving innovation in various fields, such as cryogenics, superconducting magnets, vacuum technologies, and detector-instrumentation technologies, which could have positive impacts on society.

Future Collider’s Potential Discoveries Uncertain

However, the potential scientific discoveries that could arise from the future collider are still largely a mystery. “Currently, we lack a definitive theoretical framework to guide our search,” Gianotti acknowledged.

A renowned laboratory, known for its impressive infrastructure, houses what CERN leaders consider to be the largest machine in the world. 

This remarkable facility utilizes a sophisticated network of magnets to propel particles along a 17-mile underground loop situated on the French-Swiss border. 

By colliding these particles and analyzing the outcomes, scientists gain valuable insights into the workings of fundamental physics.

During Monday’s briefing, there were discussions about potential modifications to the initial plan that was unveiled in 2019. 

One notable change is that the loop will now be 91 kilometers in length, rather than the originally planned 100-kilometer circuit.

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